IA and Me - Exploring the Benefits of AI for Personal Security

It’s 2023, more than a month after my last post, it was tough to resume in January. Priorities I guess.


ChatGPT has been released by OpenAI and caused a great trend. I’ve heard lots about AI before but haven’t had a click in my head for how to apply to my life and business. I’ve fidgeted around before with Dall-E, yeah great tool but it does not solve any problem in my life - or so I thought.

ChatGPT has a set of limitations like being bound to the extent of it’s training dataset, which ends in the past, specifically in 2021. It’s biased to be “good”, removing from the training all bits of information that are offensive, racist or sexist. I agree to this basic set of rules, but it’s still synthetically limited; not as another entity in the world, exposed to all matters good or bad. You can read more about it’s limitations in the wiki.

Some amazing features are that it has a memory, meaning you are not limited to a single prompt reply to get information, but you can reference previous replies or queries to drill down into a concept. Example below. It will simplify complex concepts into analogies for the amateur user of a particular topic like chemical reaction of two elements or the base for a particular law (I know nothing about law).

Example: Chat Memory

  • Me: Tell me 2 ways to protect my password
  • ChatGPT: 1. Include upper and lower case letters as well as special characters. 2. Do not write it next to your PC
  • Me: From 1st way, which symbols are more commonly found in any western keyboard?
  • ChatGPT: Special characters: ! @ # $ % & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | ; : ' " , . / ?


ChatGPT Prompt for best pronator sneakers


I see these IA generators as a new great tool for everyday usage, requiring an adoption process into our natural decision making. Usually when you have a question, you open your phone browser and search for the answer. There are people who query things like “how often do you need to clean your microwave?” and most blogs and websites have adopted and written their titles to match the customer. However the avid searcher knows better that search engines require keywords simplifying the query to “microwave clean frequency”. There are even several special filters like -manual to avoid the manual keyword in the results or "cx-653" to match the specific microwave model. Still, AI chatbots work in a different way.

Search engines allow you to find live and indexed websites on the internet, usually containing direct information and data about a topic, very useful. But it’s rather odd that you find the specific/complex question you really may have. If you want to know “what is the best sneaker type to walk daily to school but having a pronator foot” you would have to search for:

  • Sneaker types
  • Sneakers for walking
  • Sneakers for city walking
  • Pronator sneakers

And then match the description of these results and guess which will fit better to your feet. You’ll find a sea of sneakers features for different brands where their naming is not standard and it becomes very difficult to understand and you end up asking a person, buying whichever looks better or choosing one that will not help. Usually pronator/supine articles are related to athletes or advanced runners. You may be able to find an article with this description but not a lot. With AI instead you can copy the full prompt and it will automatically gather data from several sources tailoring the data to your needs.

ChatGPT Prompt for best pronator sneakers

This gives you a rolling start into selecting the best sneakers focusing only into your case, avoiding the ad-full websites interested in selling as much as they want to you. You can do the test right now. Go and figure with your search engine the best sneakers for a pronator foot person for daily usage, it may take you a few minutes and that’s expected. But it can also take you 1 minute with AI, login here.


AI is a great tool for business, where it can write quicker and better than you, unless you’re in the top 1% of professionals in copy-writing. But, just as no-one is racing computers anymore into resolving complex math, we should not race AI for “simple” tasks. Focus in your knowledge of the basics, build a great and specific prompt so that the AI knows how to contextualize and build your request; and tailor the result to fit your customer’s needs.

I will be using some of these prompts myself, heck the title of this post was generated by ChatGPT.

Some prompts you may use:

  • Give me 3 slogans for a brand providing house building services for suburbs with a Victorian style
  • Write an email pitching this last brand to an audience of 30-40 y/o to be presented during summer far from the coast
  • What are 2 call-to-action offers that will incentive the audience into buying soon?

Be creative. This is what us humans do best, creating, thinking, analyzing, solving problems. Avoid getting tangled with grammar, phrase length, cadence. Focus on providing value to your customer, the happier it is, the better they will pay. This is business after all, we don’t want to profit at customer’s expense but to build a long-lasting partnership where both parties benefit.

Personal Security

You may be thinking “Why is this post named this way is we have not touched the main topic?”. Well several reasons:

  1. I liked the AI generated title
  2. It worked as an example for a great title
  3. This works as an example that using AI does not make you an expert.

I’ve read how a good blog is specific, it has an introduction and story telling, it has a call to action (follow me in [SOCIAL MEDIA]), etc. Well, I’m no blogging expert. My blog is my creative outlet and a log of thoughts and experiences. I’ve recently been more involved with AI and will learn to use it. I’ll also get better as time goes as a blogger, but for now, just sharing experiences.

For the main topic I was going to provide a lazy prompt for you:

What are the top 5 uses of AI for personal online security for the average tech person?

I expected a reply with how to use ChatGPT or a different AI model to practice the techniques I’ve shared before in the blog for password management or other uses. It ironically did not understand my question.

I will then continue this path learning to interact with the AI and provide you with practical uses of this or other AI models to protect yourself and those around you online.
